Acknowledgment to Dominique and Rik.

On December 7-8, 2022, a meeting of the USIC Board was held in Prague. Apart from the regular agenda items (reports from the USIC President, General secretary, Treasurer and Chairman of the CTT), the Board´s members discussed the results of the Working meeting in Berlin and adopted the next step in developing proposals for the future of USIC to be approved at the General meeting in 2023. An extraordinary moment at the meeting was the invitation of colleagues Dominique Paget and Rik van Belle. USIC President Christophe Parel, on behalf of himself and the members of the Board, thanked both for their work for USIC and presented the award. It is not necessary to say that Dominique led our organization as President of USIC and Rik worked as an Auditor for several years. We wish both colleagues good health and much success in their future lives.